With the recent announcement of the PS4 being released this holiday season, the time of the PS3 as Sony's premier console is coming to end. The Last of Us is one of the few remaining AAA titles in this console cycle. Having recently just finished this game, these are my thoughts on it.
Taking place in the future where mankind has been all but wiped out by an unknown virus. The virus mutates people into mindless "zombie" like creatures, causing them to mutate into plant-human hybrids. In this world supplies are scarce, food is not plentiful, ammo even less. This is a dark world not for the faint hearted and only those willing to do what is necessary will survive.
How does humanity react when it is on the brink? How do we keep our humanity? What is is like for a child to grow up in this world? These three questions are at the centre of the Last of Us.
The main strength of the Last of Us is it's story and the two main characters. Joel and Ellie. Joel is a smuggler and he had been tasked with getting Ellie across mainland America. Whilst the story may not be particularly original with certain aspects similar to Cormac McCarthy's, "The Road" and Robert Kirkman's, "The Walking Dead". It is a story that is told well and gives a sense forbiding of what it is like within this world. They meet many different interesting, although somewhat archetypal, characters along the way. There are many touching moment, excentuated through the excellent voice acting by both Ashley Johnson (Ellie) and Troy Baker (Joel). The relationship they portray between Ellie and Joel is sincerely believable. A relationship which grows throughout the story and builds to a satisfying finale.
The atmosphere and tone of the story is aided through high quality visuals.This is certainly one of the best looking games I have played on the PS3. Buildings are being reclaimed by nature as they have falled into disrepair. Metal is rusting, It is certainly not a happy world. The visuals are complemented by a beautiful soundtrack composed by Gustavo Santaolalla. I think that this is one of the most fitting soundtrack for a videogame that I can remember. It is up there with Red Dead Redemption and Journey.
The multiplayer is a slow-paced tactical third person shooter. The tension arises from the limited ammo and crafting new items in real time. This means that you always have to be alert to your surroundings and on guard. The change of pace makes for a welcome different speed of multiplayer and makes teamwork essential for victory. I am a big fan of these sorts of multiplayers as it means that no one super guano man or person with superior internet connection can win.
Unfortunately the only thing holding this game back from being
flawless is it's controls. Now this is not the controls in general but
certain aspects of them. For example at various points throughout the
game you will be required to move objects. The whole issue of moving
things just feels clunky and unresponsive. I don't know whether this was
intentional by Naughty Dog or not but for me it just doesn't work.
To summarize, this is a great game. I really enjoyed both the single and multiplayer components. It is one of the best games I have played of this generation. The story will immerse you and is a thoroughly enjoyale experience.
1) The story.
2) The soundtrack.
3) Suprisingly good multiplayer
1) At times the controls can feel a bit clunky which removes you from the experience. Although this is only notable in single player.
This was a great game. The favourite of this generation