
Saturday 14 December 2013

Single Handed PhD!

Third metacarpal bone (left hand) 01 palmar view.pngRecently I have been struggling with some motivational issues to do with my PhD. These were primarily due to my frustration with the slow pace of the speed of my work (nothing new here for a PhD student). Now however I face a new barrier to my PhD. I have broken the third metacarpal in my right (writing) hand. This has been quite a frustrating experience so far but in some ways it has also acted as a catalyst for reffirmation of my motivation to get over my past frustration and to focus my frustrations on several more productive avenues, both academic and non-academic.

Sunday 27 October 2013

The Wall

One thing that I was told in my PhD induction is that at certain points, you will be very busy and you will have to work long hours, sacrifice much of your weekends and evenings. In the last four months I have reached a level where for one reason or another I have been unable to take a prolonged break (or in some months even just a break)! I have reached a moment that is commonly found during physical exercise.I have reached a wall in my working ability and motivation.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Remembering I Kill Giants!

It may not appear obvious but there is something that you do that very few people know. It is something that you do in almost every single part of your life. It is something you do not always realize you do but is something that you do more often than you realize. You  What you do more than you ever realize is that you kill giants!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Academic Origins

I have realized that I haven't talked much about my PhD recently, well today is not going to be that day. But something in the last couple of weeks has made me appreciate how interconnected the people I work and have worked with are. Even this may not be that surprising given how (relatively) small academic research is compared to other areas of work such as or the City. It feels more complicated than purely chance.

Sunday 15 September 2013

National Suicide Prevention Week and Superman

This past week has been National Suicide Prevention week. The aim of this week is to raise awareness about issues related to suicide. I think that everyone can agree suicide is a tragedy that in many cases can be avoided and prevented from happening. Despite being one of the leading causes of death in the world, talking about suicide is infrequent. Part of this is due to suicide being a multi-faceted complex issue spanning across many areas and crucially people come at it with their own viewpoints and opinions.

Sunday 18 August 2013

Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox Review

The new DC comics animated film release is based off the comic event Flashpoint written by Geoff Johns. This event has been controversial due to it being used as a platform for DC to partially reboot all their comics to make it easier for new fans to jump on. I won't address this and focus on the DVD release. Some mild spoilers to the plot to follow.

Saturday 3 August 2013

Mr. B Gig Review

Artist: Mr. B. The Gentleman Rhymer.

Venue: Cluny 2

A little bit late with this review but as in my previous posts it has been a busy month. Mr. B is one of the self-styled pioneers of of Chap-Hop along with Professor Elemental. This genre combines Hip Hop with particular aspects of English "chappish" culture such as cricket, tea and chinos. This fused with his Banjo and Yukele give Mr. B. a unique sound.

Monday 22 July 2013

Friends Never Give Up

Something that I also experienced over the weekend was an interesting scenario when I visited my friend. Their friend was a little worse for wear and it was a testing set of circumstances for all, particularly for those who knew the individual concerned. I did what I could to reassure my friend and hopefully it helped him somewhat. Unfortunately I had to leave whilst he was at the hospital so I had to leave him a note. It was a note of where I had a rare moments of that was both eloquent and full of clarity. Below is the note.


So the last month has been very hectic. There have been two big international colour conferences back to back in separate weeks. This was my first experience of such a busy conferencing schedule and was intense and very tiring.

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Self Writing

One thing I realized that I don't do as much as I used is writing short poems or short pieces of prose. Previously when I would write it would help come to terms or clarify my position with a problem that I was facing. I found that when I would write things down it would force me to confront the issue, mapping out what the problem, see the pros and cons and then identify a solution or have a moment of clarity.

Sunday 16 June 2013

The Last of Us Review

With the recent announcement of the PS4 being released this holiday season, the time of the PS3 as Sony's premier console is coming to end. The Last of Us is one of the few remaining AAA titles in this console cycle. Having recently just finished this game, these are my thoughts on it.

Monday 27 May 2013

Evolution Emerging 2013 - Review

Venue: Cluny 2
Date 25.5.2013

Evolution Emerging is a platform to give emerging artists in the North East. This year numerous acts entered with different venues spread out across the Ouseburn Valley pubs. Each artist plays a short setlist of approximately 30 minutes. Since I had not been to this area of Newcastle before I decided to go to the venue where I would be most likely to enjoy the most artists. I decided to go to the Cluny 2 for my first experience of North Eastern Live music.

Thursday 9 May 2013

One step forward, One step backwards, One step forwards!

So after the last months eye-opening self-realiztion moment, I have spent time working on sorting out my life in general as well as social events and also PhD in there as well. I am getting better at balancing between three yet I seem to only be able to get two out of three things correct. Still this is better than only only being able to focus on one thing having no balance at all.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Thursday 4 April 2013

The First 6 Months

So before I forget here is the overview of my first 6 or so months of my PhD. Since the beginning alot has happened.

Monday 1 April 2013

Documentation of my PhD

This is my online documentation of my PhD at Newcastle University. I have called this adventures although "adventures" is perhaps more appropriate but adventures come in many shapes and forms.

Doing a PhD entails many aspects; academic, personal drive and social. I have seen many different PhD students at different stages and it has made me aware that there will be times where things go well but also times where things don't go so well. I hope that by making a blog/diary of the events as I go (albeit starting 6 months late) that I will be able to see the amount of work I do and use this to help me not get bogged down when things go bad.

Whilst this aim may give the aim of someone who is organized, I am far from that but you only do this once, and acknowledging problems/progess can make you see how far you come.